Category: Health


Outdated policies reveal persistent biases despite progress in LGBTQ+ rights in Singapore.SINGAPORE: While the repeal of Section 377A marked a step forward for LGBTQ+ rights, policies like the lifetime ban on blood donation for men who have sex with men (MSM) highlight how entrenched prejudices continue to affect queer communities in Singapore.Currently, MSM face a …

Weighing less than a bag of rice at birth, Baby Lin faces critical medical challenges while her parents struggle with overwhelming costs.Born at just 28 weeks, Baby Lin Mya Yii Thiaw is fighting for her life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH). Her parents, both Singapore permanent …

Despite Significant Earnings, Coffee Shop Toilets Rank Lowest in Hygiene StudySINGAPORE – A recent study by Singapore Management University (SMU) has revealed that coffee shop restrooms are the dirtiest in the city-state, sparking frustration among Singaporeans. On Reddit, users expressed their disappointment, questioning how these establishments, which earn substantial revenue from drink sales, still fail …

Collaborative Initiative Aims to Showcase Singapore’s Healthcare Innovations and Promote Global Health EquitySINGAPORE: The National University of Singapore (NUS) Medicine has teamed up with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to position Singapore as the Forum's inaugural Centre for Health and Healthcare Country Lighthouse. This strategic partnership will highlight Singapore's advancements in healthcare, establishing the nation …

Nutri-Grade labels are expanding, but why stop at food? Let's rate everything, from TikTok trends to parenting.The Ministry of Health’s (MOH) ongoing campaign against sugar is ramping up, and now they’re tackling salt. Packaged salt, sauces, seasonings, instant noodles, and cooking oils will soon bear their own Nutri-Grade labels, marking a shift in how we …

Experts reassure the public while highlighting the importance of vaccination for vulnerable groups.SINGAPORE: The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) has indicated that the ongoing mpox outbreaks predominantly affect African countries and that Singapore’s medical system is well-equipped to manage mpox cases. Experts assure the public that there is no need for widespread concern, but …

A guide to the different nursing paths and how each one plays a vital role in healthcare.As an avid Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) player, I often wish reality had the touch of magic that games offer. How nice it would be to have that sense of fantasy intertwining with real life, to see how the …

As energy drinks gain popularity among youths, experts highlight health risks and push for better regulation and alternatives.Earlier this year, Singapore’s Parliament debated the regulation of caffeinated energy drinks, raising concerns about their growing popularity among adults and youths. The issue hits close to home for many, with energy drinks often marketed as essential tools …

MOH affirms vaccine effectiveness in preventing COVID-related deaths, urges public to rely on scientific evidence.SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Health (MOH) on Monday (Jun 3) strongly rejected the "egregious and false claims" made by the People’s Power Party, which called for a suspension of COVID-19 vaccinations. The opposition party had cited "studies and analyses by prominent …

While scientists monitor a new Covid-19 strain, Ho Ching emphasizes the importance of pneumococcal vaccinations for older adults to guard against bacterial infections.SINGAPORE: As scientists closely observe a new Covid-19 variant, Ho Ching, wife of Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong, has urged seniors to prioritize protection against bacterial infections by getting pneumococcal vaccines.In a Facebook …

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