Weekly COVID-19 Infections Among SAF Personnel Rise Due to Omicron Variant: Heng Chee How

17% surge in weekly infections as Omicron drives community cases higher

SINGAPORE: The weekly COVID-19 infections among Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) personnel have risen by 17%, amid a spike in community cases driven by the Omicron variant, Senior Minister of State for Defence Heng Chee How said in Parliament on Monday (Feb 28). He noted that most cases originated in the community and were detected through routine testing. Although transmission within camps remains limited and most personnel show mild or no symptoms, Mr. Heng emphasized that the SAF is not complacent and continues to monitor the situation closely.

Mr. Heng was responding to a question by Member of Parliament Louis Ng (PAP-Nee Soon) regarding the safety measures in place for full-time national servicemen (NSFs) who leave camp but return on the same day. Mr. Ng also inquired whether COVID-19 infections brought by NSFs have increased in camps.

Mr. Heng explained that the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) is closely tracking the infection numbers and will adjust measures as necessary.

Mr. Heng outlined existing safeguards to protect SAF personnel and prevent widespread outbreaks, including vaccination, routine testing, safe management measures, and rapid containment protocols in case of positive cases. He highlighted that more than 99.7% of SAF personnel have received two vaccination doses, and almost 87% have taken booster shots.

The SAF has also implemented regular testing and strict safe management measures, such as limiting group sizes and enforcing mask-wearing whenever possible. Personnel, including NSFs, who book out of camp are reminded to adhere to safe measures even when outside, and to monitor their health closely.

Those who are unwell can only return to camp after they have fully recovered. Personnel who test positive for COVID-19 must follow national health protocols before returning.

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